Selamat Hari Raya Galungan Nyepi dan Kuningan

Happy Galungan Nyepi dan Kuningan
apologize born inward

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Lets Writing Using Latex

TeX is a programming language created specifically and become the major part of the text system results pengetikan (typesetting system) that produce the document / publication of the text and the mathematical quality. TeX was created by Prof.. TeX was created by Prof. .. Donald Knuth around 1978. Donald Knuth around 1978. Initially in the late 1970's. Initially at the end of 1970 Professor. Donald Knuth menciptkan TeX merivisi for the second volume of Opus magnum-nya1 the book The Art of Computer Programming; because many mathematical symbols that can not be printed with perfect at that time. Donald Knuth menciptkan TeX merivisi for the second volume of Opus magnum-nya1 the book The Art of Computer Programming; because many mathematical symbols that can not be printed with perfect at that time. In development, TeX is available for use in a variety of computer and operating system and is designed specifically so that the input file (the file that contains the commands a word, this is not WYSIWYG2 system) will be portable, and can produce the same output in all kinds of system operating the beheading memrosesnya-word the same, change the line, replacement pages, etc.. In development, TeX is available for use in a variety of computer and operating system and is specifically designed so that the input file (the file that contains the commands a word, this is not WYSIWYG2 system) will be portable, and can produce the same output in all kinds of operating system the Beheading memrosesnya-word the same, change the line, replacement pages, etc. .. In 1985 Leslie Lamport of Digital Equipment Corporation created the user interface is LaTeX's TeX. In 1985 Leslie Lamport of Digital Equipment Corporation created the user interface is LaTeX's TeX. Leslie create LaTeX mengotomatisasi for all the public to prepare a document. Leslie create LaTeX mengotomatisasi for the public to prepare a document. With the use of the LaTeX typesetter can easily use the ability of any posts held by TeX without having to understand the underlying language. With the use of the LaTeX typesetter can easily use the ability of any posts held by TeX without having to understand the underlying language. LaTeX is recommended everyone except professional typographic programmers and computer researchers, who want to learn TeX please download HERE tutorialnya LaTeX is recommended everyone except professional typographic programmers and computer Researchers, who want to learn TeX tutorialnya please download HERE

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Internet Protocol betwen planet highly sophisticated

For the first time, the body antriksa U.S. (NASA) successfully tested data transmission through the Internet connection that is designed specifically for the communications space. In the pilot sent a photo of photogenic vehicle space that are currently on the distance of the outer space 32 million kilometers from Earth.

"This is the first step to build the capacity of the new communication space, an Internet antarplanet," says Adrian Hooke, head of the research team that bermarkas in Washington DC, USA.

Internet antarplanet network is developed with between NASA and Vint Cerf, Google vice president who is also known as the "father of the Internet." During the last 10 years, Cerf helped develop the software protocols used for transmitting data in space called the DTN (Disrupt-Tolerant Networking).

DTN send information using a different method with the TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol), Cerf is also developed with colleagues. Protocol must be able to handle a long delay, signal interference, and mempertahanakn connection so that the data submitted remain intact.

Interference can come from storms or when the sun space vehicle moving back to the object observed. Distance is also very much into challenges such as the delivery of data from Mars that requires delay between 4-20 minutes even though the post with the speed of light.

If forced to stop in the middle of the road, each knot will keep the network information and menersukannya back if the connection is normal. This is different with the Internet network in the Earth directly ignore data that is sent once the connection is lost.

"In the space at this time, operations teams must manually set the schedule of each communication link is used, the data will be sent, and objectives," said Leigh Togerson, manager DTN in Operation Joint Laboratory of NASA Jet Propulsi in Pasadena, USA.

With DTN, it would not be necessary. Data will be sent automatically, so more efficient. Testing the data transmission through the DTN is made from space vehicle called Deep Impact that the chase after the comet Hartley 2 comet Tempel successful approach three years ago.

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Adding Translator to Blog

Blog contains very many cases, there may be many people who need the information from our blog, not only people indonesia, may have bule who want to fill our blog. What if we speak blog indonesia total? unlikely to us mentranslate all articles in our blog, let alone into the various languages?

In fact we can do all of that without much effort. To do this is to place a widget that can translate all parts of our blog or website into different languages automatically. For that you need to put the script below on your site or blog

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Free Download Complete Hacking Tools

Learn hacking must be accompanied with the practice, because without practice, we will not know that indeed we will find next, including of obstacles and tricks of hacking that may not be mentioned in the book and website hacking hacing often we read.

To try, of course we must have tools-tools to do the hacking themselves following a hacking tools beberaba which is packed into one, this package consists of:
  • Tool Hack CEH/advanced_portscanner_1.2
  • Tool Hack CEH/amokk_exe_joiner
  • Tool Hack CEH/AOD Binder
  • Tool Hack CEH/av_devil_2.1
  • Tool Hack CEH/CC-Joiner
  • Tool Hack CEH/Cryp0r Crypter FUD + Song
  • Tool Hack CEH/Deception v4.0
  • Tool Hack CEH/donut_http_flooder_1.4
  • Tool Hack CEH/DoS 5.5 Final
  • Tool Hack CEH/Doshttp
  • Tool Hack CEH/etherpeeknx30p1
  • Tool Hack CEH/execrypt
  • Tool Hack CEH/eXPressorProfessional1.5.0.1
  • Tool Hack CEH/fEaRz_Packer_v0.3__Private-1_
  • Tool Hack CEH/File Joiner1.5
  • Tool Hack CEH/Hell Packer 2.0
  • Tool Hack CEH/microjoiner_1.5
  • Tool Hack CEH/Moruk Binder
  • Tool Hack CEH/nakedbind_1.0
  • Tool Hack CEH/Pretator v1.6
  • Tool Hack CEH/Redbinder2.0.1
  • Tool Hack CEH/setuserIEmaxconnections
  • Tool Hack CEH/spack
  • Tool Hack CEH/spam-master5600
  • Tool Hack CEH/Super_Binder
  • Tool Hack CEH/superscan_4.0
  • Tool Hack CEH/Themida_v1.9.1.0
  • Tool Hack CEH/ts_saca_flooder
  • Tool Hack CEH/Wireshark 0.99.6a
  • Tool Hack CEH/SSPPYY Professional Edition.rar

Keep in mind, before this download hacking tools, you should first disable antivirus because some antivirus packages recognize this as Malware. I try to download when NOD32 is active, the result can not be downloaded because the connection be completed by NOD32 ...

simply download the package from this hacking tools HERE

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Mendapat Uang Ketika Searching [Pay Per Search]

Searching, this is probably the most often when you do berinternet. This is reasonable considering the very large virtual Jagat. But taukah you that when you are searching or looking for with the search engine you get not only information, but also you can get additional revenue.

Home page is the friends that you will pay each of you searching, the search engine used by this site is the Yahoo search results can be unreliable. addition, you can also create a website for free rplika. Almost forgot, you can transfer money to paypal, money brokers and transfer directly to the bank ...

So that it's not simply register your HERE
Or visit my replika site HERE

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Gratis Download Paket E-Book Hacking Lengkap

Ingin belajar hacking??? Tapi tidak punya guru yang memadai??? jangan takut, karena sudah banyak penulis yang menulis berbagai jenis ebook hacking, mulai dari e-book etika hacking sampai hacking wirelless, hacking paypal sampai hacking database situs...

ini adalah daftar isi paket lengkap ebook hacking:

  • BlueTooth Hacking
  • Ethical Hacking
  • Google Hacks
  • h@ck & cr4ck
  • h@ck Attacks Revealed
  • h@ck Attacks Testing - How To Conduct Your Own Security Audit
  • h@ck IT Security Through Penetration Testing
  • h@ck Proofing Your Network - Internet Tradecraft
  • h@ck Proofing Your Network Second Edition
  • h@ck Proofing Your Web Server
  • h@ck The Net
  • h@ck Xbox 360
  • Hackers Black Book
  • Hacking Firewalls And Networks How To h@ck Into Remote Computers
  • Hacking a Coke Machine
  • Hacking and Network Defense
  • Hacking for Dummies
  • Hacking Intranet Websites
  • Hacking Techniques
  • Hacking The Cable Modem
  • Hacking The Linux
  • Hacking Web Applications
  • Hacking Windows XP
  • Hacking PSP
  • Kevin Mitnick - The Art of Deception
  • Kevin Mitnick - The Art of Intrusion
  • Network Security Hacks - Tips & Tools For Protecting Your Privacy
  • PayPal Hacks
  • PC Hacks
  • Simple Hacks - Addons, Macros And More
  • The Database Hacker Handbook Defending Database Servers
  • Wireless Hacking
  • Wireless Network Hacks & Mods for Dummies

tanpa basa basi lagi langsung saja download Bagian 1 DISINI dan Bagian 2 DISINI

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AdsenseCamp: Adsense Asli Indonesia

Google Adsense still remember? lo is the pay-per-click ads that are well known from om google. But a few months ago, Google meberlakukan a policy that simply does not exacerbate the blog indonesia language to display their ads. Originally google still favor with the blog is still in indonesia to use Adsense for search, display ads in the search results web / blog kita. Several weeks ago, turns out google adsense for search also can not be used ...

Jogja Camp is the innovation to create pay-per-click in a friendly with a blog or website indonesia language. Exactly how it works with Google Adsense, the difference AdsenseCamp allow a site or blog indonesia language to display ads. Price per click is not too low, which is Rp. 300 for every click a visitor made the ad on a web site or our blog. If compared with a similar program, Rp. 300 already sizable large.

Please try sing up HERE

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Apple IPhone Segera Tersedia di Indonesia Bersama Telkomsel

Siapa yang tak kena Apple iPhone??
Handphone yang sangat revolusioner karena menggunakan multi touch screen [layar yang bisa menerima banyak sentuhan sekaligus], dan juga menggunakan sestem operasi MAC OS X yang sebenarnya diperuntukkan bagi komputer, namun Apple berhasil mengecilkannya sehingga muat masuk kedalam sebuah I-Phone...

kembali pada kabar I-Phone akan segera hadir di indonesia, agaknya hal ini bukan sekedar gosip atau i-phone bajakan semata, tetapi ini hampir merupakan kenyataan...

Adalah Telkomsel, operator yang akan segera memboyong Apple I-Phone masuk ke Indonesia, ini terlihat dari dibuatnya sebuah halaman pada web resmi Telkomsel yang memungkinkan pengunjung untuk mendaftarkan diri sebagai calon pembeli I-Phone. I-Phone yang disediakan adalah8GB, 16GB hitam dan 16GB putih. Mengenai harga dan waktu peluncuran produk ini masih belum dapat dikonfirmasi. Namu menurut sumber yang dapat dipercaya iPhone akan diluncurkan pada tanggal 25 Febuari 2009 mendatang...

Agaknya harga Iphone di Indonesia tidak akan jauh dari $200 dan tentu saja terikat kontark dengan Telkomsel (mungkin Halo).

Usut punya usut ternyata bendera Indonesia sudah nangkring di daftar negara yang disambangi oleh IPhone. Asik akhirnya IPhone benar-benar masuk indonesia, akankah saya membelinya??? Kita lihat saja sistem kontrak yang akan digunakan pihak Telkomsel untuk Apple I Phone ini...

Namun perlu diingat Apple sudah mengembangkan Apple Iphone 32GB [menggunakan solid state disk], dan mungkin akan hadir triwulan ketiga tahun ini. Satu lagi PDA phone bersistem operasi Google Android juga akan banyak bermunculan pada pertengahan tahun ini...

Sepertinya membutuhkan pertimbangan yang sangat matang untuk memilih PDA phone, akankah memilih Apple Iphone 8GB/16GB, menunggu PDA phone bersistem operasi Google Android, atau malah membeli PDA phone yang sudah banyak beredar sekarang ini??? Sangat susah memilih... Apakah anda punya masukan??? silahkan posting komentar...

Ingin mendaftar sebagai calon pembeli Iphone??? Silahkan klik DISINI
Untuk Melihat daftar negara yang sudah disambangi Apple Iphone, klik DISINI

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AVG Linux: AVG Anti Virus Untuk Linux

linux terkenal karena hampir bebas dari serangan malware dan kesetabilannya...

tapi ada kalanya anda tetap harus menggunakan antivirus terutama jika sistem linux ini digunakan sebagai server, baik web server, mail server apalagi data server. hal ini bertujuan agar jika nantinya ada pengguna windows yang mengakses server tersebut pengguna tersebut tidak terjangkit virus...

Salah satu antivirus yang bisa berjalan di linux adalah AVG. AVG tersedia untuk berbagai distribusi seperti Debian based distributions (Debian, Ubuntu), RedHat based distributions (RedHat Linux, Fedora Core), SuSE based distributions (SuSE Linux, Novell Linux Desktop), Mandriva based distributions (Mandrake Linux, Mandriva). Langsung saja kunjungi SITUS INI kemudian download sesuai distro yang anda pakai...

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Unlock Them All: Buka Semua Pembatasan Windows

Pernahkah anda dipusingkan oleh virus yang memblokir/men disable registry editor [regedit], comand [cmd], task manager, tombol shutdwon, folder option, search, hardisk c disembunyikan, atau mungkin banyak proses-proses tidak jelas yang berjalan di sestem anda??? Atau mungkin anda pernah menemukan masalah serupa ketika anda menggunakan komputer warnet???

sebuah apliksai kecil [hanya 104 kb] bisa mengatasi masalah tersebut, namanya Unlock Them All, kemampuan aplikasi ini adalah:

* pada mode Registry Manager:
1. no regestry editor
2. hide folder option
3. disable CMD
4. No Task Manager
5. Hide My Computer
6. Hide Username
7. Hide All Program
8. Hide Starts Menu Find
9. Hide Starts Menu Run
10. Hide Starts Menu help
11. Hide Log Off Button
12. Hide Shutdown Button
13. No Change start Menu
14. Classic Startmenu
15. Lock taskbar
16. No Change Taskbar
17. No Taskbar Menu
18. Hide Taskbar Clock
19. Hide Tray Icon
20. Hide Control Panel
21. Clear Recen Docs
22. No Drive Autorun
23. Hide Search
24. Hide File Menu
25. No Context Menu
26. Hide c:\ Drive
27. Restrict c:\ Drive
28. No Manage Menu
29. Hide Desktop Icon
30. No Display Propertis
31. No Add Toolbar
32. No Change Toolbar
33. Hide Custom Toolbars
34. No Save Setting
45. Hide Network Places
46. Hide Entire Network
47. Hide Workgroups
48. Hide Network Setup
Sebnarnya semua pilihan tersebut bisa digunakan untuk men disable fungsi-fungsi

tersebut, namun jika ternyata sudah dicentang, maka menghilangkan centangnya akan

menyebabkan pembatasan pada suatu item bisa dinon aktifkan

* Pada Mode Process Manager
1. Mencari Lokasi File Dari Suatu Process
2. Melihat Propertis File Dari Suatu Process
3. Terminate Process
4. Terminate & Delete Process
5. Restart Process
6. Suspend Process
7. Resume Process
Pilihan 3 sampai 7 bisa diaplikasikan untuk banyak proses sekaligus

* Pada Mode Startup Manager
1. Mengecek StartUp dari
- All User Startup [registry]
- Current User Startup [registry]
- All User Startup [folder]
- Current User Startup [folder]
2. Bisa memindahkan dari suatu startup ke yang lain
3. Mencari lokasi file yang ada di startup
4. Propertis file yang ada di startup

* Pada Mode Windows Manager
1. Show Visibel Window [tampilkan proses yang terlihat]
2. Show Invisible Window [tampilkan proses yang tidak terlihat]
3. Terminate Proses sebuah window

untuk berpindah antar mode bisa digunakan tombol F1 sampai F4 pada keyboard
- F1 : Registry Manager
- F2 : Process Manager
- F3 : Startup Manager
- F4 : Windows Manager

waduh bosen ni ngetik panjang-panjang, langsung aja download program gratis ini DISINI

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Seorang Gadis Mengirim 14.528 SMS Hanya Dalam Sebulan

Banyak orang tergila-gila mengutak-atik SMS di manapun berada. Salah satu contoh ekstrim menimpa Reina, seorang gadis asal California, Amerika Serikat. Remaja yang umurnya baru 13 tahun ini kedapatan mengirim sekitar 480 SMS tiap hari di bulan Desember.

Greg Hardesty yang adalah ayah Reina, mengungkapkan bahwa berdasar catatan tagihan telepon pada bulan itu, putrinya total mengirimkan 14.528 SMS.

Untungnya, Reina kebetulan mendapat gelontoran SMS gratis dari operator dalam jumlah tidak terbatas. Jika tidak, ia harus membayar tagihan sebanyak US$ 2905. Namun Reina berkilah bahwa ia merasa bosan saat liburan sehingga ia mengirim SMS sebanyak itu pada teman-temannya.

Akan tetapi alasan Reina itu tak lantas membuat Hardesty tinggal diam. Kini, ia tidak memperbolehkan lagi puteri kesayangannya itu ber-SMS ria tiap usai makan malam.

Beberapa waktu lampau, seorang gadis dari Selandia baru juga diberitakan mengalami masalah 'keedanan' SMS yang sama. Tiap bulannya, ia rata-rata mengirim sampai 6000 SMS.

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Adsense Indonesia